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Regionalkonferenz Nettelbeckplatz | 2022 10

Am 13. September 2022 fand im Rahmen der Regionalkonferenz „Inklusiv gestalten – Ideen und gute Beispiel aus Architektur und Stadtplanung“ ein Vor-Ort-Pressetermin mit Bundesbauministerin Klara Geywitz und dem Behindertenbeauftragten der Bundesregierung, Jürgen Dusel, in der Siedlung Nettelbeckplatz der Berliner Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft von 1892 eG statt. Die gelungene Erweiterung der Siedlung durch einen Neubau ohne zusätzliche Flächen zu versiegeln sowie die Modernisierung der Bestandswohnungen unter sozialen Aspekten wie barrierearmem, lebenslangem Wohnen in der genossenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft wurden als Best-Practice-Beispiel für inklusives Wohnen besichtigt. Bei der anschließenden Regionalkonferenz im Futurium präsentierten Dirk Lönnecker, Vorstandsmitglied der 1892, und Otto Höller von tafkaoo architects die Besonderheiten des Bauvorhabens, das im Herbst 2019 abgeschlossen wurde.

On September 13, 2022, as part of the regional conference “Inclusive design – ideas and good examples from architecture and urban planning”, an on-site press event took place with Federal Building Minister Klara Geywitz and the Federal Government Commissioner for the Disabled, Jürgen Dusel, in the Nettelbeckplatz housing estate of the Berlin building and housing cooperative from 1892 eG. The successful expansion of the settlement with a new building without sealing additional areas and the modernization of the existing apartments under social aspects such as low-barrier, lifelong living in the cooperative community were viewed as a best-practice example for inclusive living. At the subsequent regional conference in the Futurium, Dirk Lönnecker, board member of 1892, and Otto Höller from tafkaoo architects presented the special features of the construction project, which was completed in autumn 2019.

Turri-Soukonlahti | 2022 10

Tikirak construction company (Rakennusliike Tikirak Oy) and YH Kodit Oy housing developer invited tafkaoo architects to design a proposal for the Turri-Soukonlahti plot competition in Pirkkala, central Finland. The evaluation criteria included originality of the architecture, high-quality facade materials, diverse apartment mix, housing innovations, amount of family apartments, innovations in energy efficiency, commercial space concept, master plan accordance and feasibility. The master plan focused on creating an original location through vivid use of color. tafkaoo developed two proposals, which were complimented, among other things, for their use of colour and holistic sustainability concept, which the municipality suggested to be implemented in all competition proposals. Despite not winning the plot this time, we will continue our work to enable the best sustainable housing throughout Europe, e.g. by exploring ways to implement the holistic sustainability concept with various Finnish partners in coming projects.

Rakennusliike Tikirak Oy ja YH Kodit Oy kutsuivat tafkaoo architectsin suunnittelemaan ehdotuksen Pirkkalan kunnan järjestämään Turri-Soukonlahti -tontinluovutuskilpailuun. Arvostelukriteerit olivat arkkitehtuurin omaleimaisuus, laadukkaat julkisivumateriaalit, monipuolinen asuntojakauma, asumisen innovaatiot, perheasuntojen määrä, innovatiivisuus energiatehokkuudessa, liiketilaoption toteutustapa, kaavan mukaisuus ja toteutuskelpoisuus. Asemakaava keskittyi omaleimaisen asuinalueen luomiseen eloisan värimaailman avulla. tafkaoo kehitti kaksi ehdotusta, joita kiitettiin mm. värien käytöstä ja kokonaisvaltaisesta kestävyyskonseptista, jonka kunta katsoi sopivaksi soveltaa kaikkiin kilpailuehdotuksiin. Huolimatta kilpailuvoiton menemisestä muualle tällä kertaa, jatkamme työtä parhaan kestävän asumisen mahdollistamiseksi euroopassa esim. selvittämällä kokonaisvaltaisen kestävyyskonseptin soveltamista tuleviin hankkeisiin suomalaisten kumppaniemme kanssa.


Lyyrapyrstö 1 | 2021 05

As a part of our work in enabling the best sustainable housing throughout Europe, we are happy to share the latest news from Scandinavia. Through opening our Helsinki office, we have both initiated own projects as well as provided our expertise for leading Finnish housing developers. Our first major project to hit ground will be a 5 story, 6000 m2 residential complex in the city of Tampere. The diverse resident community will share a mix of rental and owner occupied apartments, joined together by communal spaces and a common yard. The project is based on a holistic sustainability concept and will, among other things, reach the best grade of energy efficiency (grade "A" in the European Union energy label). We look forward to starting construction in summer 2021 (estimate)!


Holzbau | 2020 11 18

Da wir, als Entwickelnde, Planende und Bauende, uns der hohen gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen und klimatischen Verantwortung unserer Tätigkeiten bewusst sind, messen wir nachhaltigen Baustoffen einen hohen Stellenwert bei. Mit dem Wohnbauprojekt in der Ewaldstraße 73 in Berlin, sind wir nun in der Lage einen vorbildlichen Wohnungsbau mit 40 Wohneinheiten und einer Wohnnutzfläche von ca. 2455 m² umzusetzen.

Die erste europäische Wohnungs-Genossenschaft LiM (Living in Metropolises SCE) als Bauherr, unterstützt unser Vorhaben in vollem Umfang und kann dieses Projekt als “Good Practice Example” für weitere europaweite Projekte verbuchen.


Weitere Projekte mit LiM Beteiligung:








Für die technische Expertise des Holzbaues sorgt Weissenseer Holz-System-Bau, aus Kärnten (AT). Die beeindruckend kurze Montagezeit von 2x 10 Tagen zeugt zum einen vom hohen Vorfabrikationsgrad und zum anderen von einer souveränen, logistischen Vorbereitung seitens Weissenseer.






Durch intelligente wie schlanke Bauteilaufbauten gelingt es wirtschaftliche Nachteile des Holzbaus durch Flächenoptimierung auszugleichen. 

Der Wohnbau in der Ewaldstraße ist wirtschaftlich, wie technisch mit der traditionellen Massivbauweise auf Augenhöhe, kann aber als wesentlichen Vorteil die Nachhaltigkeit verbuchen.




As developer, planner and builder we are totally aware of the social, cultural and climatic responsibility of our actions. Therefore, we appreciate the usage of sustainable building material. The housing project at Ewaldstraße 73 in Berlin, which contains 40 appartements and an all over living space of approx. 2455 m² gives us the opportunity to build an exemplary residential construction. 

The first european housing cooperative LiM (Living in Metropolises SCE) as builder completely supports the project and is able to add it to its list of good practice examples.



more projects with LiM participation:








As our consultant in terms of wood construction technique the Carinthian (AT) company Weissenseer Holz-System-Bau comes to play. The incredible short construction time of 2x 10 days proves the high prefabrication standards and moreover the most sophisticated logistic preparations of Weissenseer.






Due to the usage of as intelligent as thin structural elements, economical disadvantages of wood constructions can be compensated. 

As a matter of fact the housing project Ewaldstraße and massive built buildings are economically and technically spoken based on an equal footing except the substantial fact that wooden constructions can convince with its sustainability.


03 03 2020 │New Strategies

Our project Nettelbeckplatz in Berlin became a DREEAM pilot site for the EU Horizon 2020 Goals in energy-efficient building renovation strategies.
DREEAM stands for “Demonstrating an integrated Renovation approach for Energy Efficiency At the Multi-building scale” and with the help of its platform a redevelopment strategy for the existing buildings and a smart integration of the proposed new building could be realized in Nettelbeckplatz. 
The extensively revised energy concept included amongst other things four photovoltaic systems with over 290 solar modules. This was installed by a solar rental electricity company called SOLARIMO, which plans, implements and operates solar tenant electricity projects

all over Germany. Thanks to the self-produced electricity, the cooperative will provide its tenants with clean solar electricity to lower costs.

… Let's get some fresh air and get some impressions from a bird’s eye perspective (many thanks to SOLARIMO for the drone-video!)


11 12 2019│Publication

Our project in Nettelbeckplatz (Berlin, DE) was selected for the publication »50 Out-of-the-Box Housing Solutions to Homelessness & Housing Exclusion«, which was presented on December 11th in European Parliament.
The aim of the book, published by the »Housing Solutions Platform« (a joint venture of Housing Europe, FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre), is to present innovative and inspiring examples of housing solutions for the locked out in the EU. 
In addition, Collaplan has set up a discussion board that will allow a detailed, open and project-based discussion of each project.


Find the publication and the discussion platform here:
> housing-solutions-platform

Debate│30 08 2019

#affordablehousingdebate AT DE FI ...the second NEXT step after the other


Tafkaoo Architects followed up its 2018 Helsinki office opening by celebrating a promising start to operations in Finland. 

Furthermore, we also clinked our glasses to tafkaoo’s 15th anniversary!


The opening oxford-style debate about affordable housing was focused on whether "to solve affordable housing in an urbanizing world, we should make housing publicly controlled infrastructure instead of letting the market solve it". 


We are happy to see that the event sparked further stories in the Finnish web: >>>


20 07 2019│Article

DER STANDARD describes in an article the efforts of tafkaoo co-founded LiM (Living in Metropolises SCE), the first European housing association to develop a pan-European solution to the housing shortage in Europe:

»An idea that goes way beyond the real estate business ...«.


Also mentioned is the tafkaoo planned and currently emerging pilot project of LiM in Berlin-Köpenick (find out more here      ), as well as the upcoming projects in Helsinki and Riga.


2019 06 06│Award

Project Nettelbeckplatz of Berliner Bau- und Wohnungsgenossenschaft von 1892 eG wins first prize in the European Responsible Housing Award “More than a roof – supporting communities of equal opportunities" category. We are happy and proud to be a part of this team!

Enjoy the linked video!




16 05 2019│News

tafkaoo architects participated in the European Federation for Living (EFL) Spring Conference in Copenhagen 15-17 May, 2019.

Modular construction, tenant participation and cooperative housing was among the many topics covered. We are looking forward to continue the joint efforts for better affordable housing throughout Europe!

 2019 05 11│Article reports on the rural exodus in Finland and visits our office in Helsinki. Oliver Scheifinger and Joakim Breitenstein from tafkaoo, as well as Hanna Dhalmann from ARA, the Housing Finance and Development Center of Finland, are thinking together about what »affordable housing 3.0« might look like in Finland.

Screenshot 2020-10-28 155037.png

26 04 2019│Visit

We had the pleasure to spend a sunny April day in Vienna hosting a group of people working with affordable housing in the Finnish city of Turku. We visited three community oriented affordable housing projects in order to learn and implement the best practices in Finland. Projects visited were Wohnprojekt Wien in Zwischenbrücken, Wohnprojekt Seestern Aspern in Seestadt as well as tafkaoo designed 4+ also located in Seestadt.

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